An opportunity for you and our charities!​
Premier Partner
$10,000 (limited to one sponsor) level includes the Pink Power package plus:
Premium recognition as Premier Partner on website, marketing, golfer emails, and social media;
Company logo with DFAC logo on golf cart as top sponsor;
Full back outside cover;
Premium tents and merchant display locations in program;
Podium recognition at event; and
Four foursomes of golf on the day of the event.
Pink Power
$7,500 (limited to two sponsors in non-competing industries) level includes the Achieve package plus:
Inside back cover listing in program;
Enhanced position of company name in certain email blasts, Facebook postings, and other marketing materials;
Podium recognition at event; and
Four foursomes of golf on the day of the event.
$2,500 level includes premiere recognition as Presenting Sponsor (limited to one per industry) includes the Inspire package plus:
Special visibility on marketing, advertising, and promotional material, DFAC website, and on golf cart;
Tents and display of merchandise on the day of the event; recognition on the website; and
Three complimentary foursomes for the day of the event.